Monday, May 18, 2009

"I will put enmities" presentation to TFP-ANF supporters in Topeka, Kansas

     This past weekend a crowded room full of supporters heard TFP member, Mr. Byron Whitcraft offer a presentation titled, "I Will Put Enmities."

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     This penetrating presentation was given at the March regional conference in Topeka and was so well received that many wished that family and friends who were not able to attend the conference would get the opportunity to attend a presentation. 

    This audiovisual was beneficial at any level.  A child could understand it, as well as a profound thinker.  The images showed the contrasts between good and evil in nature, in the Old and New Testaments, in human types and in historical events. 

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     Who could not see that a bat represents evil and that an eagle represents good?  Or, who could not see the self-sacrificing goodness of a Father Miguel Pro vs. the total depravity of a Lenin, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot?  Who could not understand the pole of extremes between St. Elias and of Jezebel?

    Those are just a few of the many examples used by Mr. Whitcraft to help the audience understand the choices that all of mankind must make every day.  Each day in our lives we have the choice of choosing holiness and goodness or of choosing evil in its many forms. 

    Mr. Whitcraft demonstrated that there is no middle ground.  Relativism has convinced the majority of mankind that there is a middle ground and that we should do anything to get along.  There is an irreconcilable war between the children of Mary and the slaves of Satan.

    Supporters and friends in Kansas look forward to the next opportunity of having a TFP speaker visit their state.

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