Thursday, November 25, 2010

November 25 -- St. Catherine of Alexandria

St. Catherine of Alexandria, born in 282, was a noted scholar who, with great eloquence, converted many to the Faith.  As a result, she was condemned to death by Roman Emperor Maxentius who she had also tried to convert. 

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With great serenity and peace of soul , she said the following prayer before her execution.

“Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I thank Thee for having firmly set my feet on the rock of the Faith and directed my steps on the pathway of salvation. Open now Thy arms wounded on the cross to receive my soul, which I offer in sacrifice to the glory of Thy Name.

“Forgive the faults I committed in ignorance and wash my soul in the blood I will shed for Thee. Do not leave my body, slaughtered by love for Thee, in the power of those who hate me. Kindly regard this people and give them the knowledge of the truth. Finally, O Lord, in Thy infinite mercy exalt those who will invoke Thee through me so that Thy name be always glorified.”

This most elevated prayer can only come from grace -- the grace of serenity in the face of death.

Let us ask Our Lady  that when the chastisement of Fatima will be realized and we face the enemies of the Church and Christendom that she grant us this serenity.

May St. Catherine help us to be calm in every situation in our lives, most especially in its risks and dangers, even , if Our Lady ordains, in the extreme sacrifice of martyrdom.

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