Sunday, March 27, 2011

Consider the tsunami a warning from God

Americans are still stunned about the tragic earthquake and tsunami which occurred in Japan last week. Let's pray that the Japanese people have the spiritual strength and courage to deal with this sad and tragic event.

Americas naturally feel compassion for the victims of any natural disaster. However, most Americans really don't understand why tragedies like this occur. The science community would like us to think that events like this are caused by "Mother Nature." They leave out the fact that God is the cause and effect of the laws of nature.

So, why does God allow catastrophes like this to happen? First we have to understand the connection between the effects of sin and the natural law. There is a correlation between the moral law and the natural laws of God, and when man disobeys the moral law it causes disruption and turmoil in the laws of nature. God is the creator of all things that exist, and the laws that govern man and the universe are not independent from the One that made them. They exist because God created them.

Mankind is disregarding the fact that in all sectors of our society immorality has reached unprecedented proportions.

More devastating than the natural disasters that have recently occurred, is the "tsunami of immorality" which continually floods the world today. It has caused an unprecedented amount of divorces, abortions, and laws that favor and promote homosexuality.

And worse than that, there is an unrelenting campaign of blasphemies and ridicule against God and all things sacred. Even our judicial laws are slowly doing away with all references to God and religion by taking them out of the public place and our children's education.

Finally, in regards to the recent events in Japan and so many other natural disasters, one cannot fail to mention the warnings from Our Lady at Fatima in 1917 about the chastisements that would come to humanity if mankind didn't turn away from sin and return to God.

What is the lesson mankind needs to learn from Japan and all of the other worldwide catastrophes that have occurred?

The lesson is that the "prodigal son" must return to the Father's house. God is warning mankind to repent, so they may receive His unlimited love and forgiveness.  For the prophet Isaiah warns us "He who has eyes to see, let him see, and he who has ears to hear, let him hear."

by Walter Camier

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