Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This saint had reeds thrust violently between the nails and flesh of his hands and feet, and was disemboweled by a stake

                         March 31 --  St. Benjamin

Iran is now what was called Persia many centuries ago. In the 5th century, the King of Persia demolished all Catholic Churches, killed the presiding Bishop and convened a general persecution against the faithful. 

The torments and cruelties strike horror in the most stalwart of souls.  St. Benjamin was among the glorious martyrs of this time.

Benjamin was a deacon who was beaten and imprisoned in a dungeon for an entire year. Upon release he was exhorted to never speak about religion to any of the courtiers. 

However, Benjamin was a minister of the Gospel and, as such, would never consent to refrain from preaching it to all.  For this offense, he was apprehended and tortured by reeds which were thrust violently between the nails and flesh of his hands and feet. 

Finally, he was disemboweled by a knotty stake and thus expired  for the love of God in 424.

We can reflect on the words of St. Ephrem:

"The wisdom of philosophers, and the eloquence of the greatest orators, are dumb through amazement, when they contemplate the wonderful spectacle and glorious actions of the Martyrs; the tyrants and judges were not able to express their astonishment when they beheld the faith, the constancy, and the cheerfulness of these holy champions. What excuse shall we have in the dreadful day of judgment, if we, who have never been exposed to any cruel persecutions, or to the violence of such torments, shall have neglected the love of God and the care of a spiritual life?..."

Let us petition St. Benjamin to pray for us to love the Lord our God with our whole soul as he did.    

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